Dr Fatima Driouech

Executive Coordinator, Adaptation Metrics and Techniques Cluster, University Mohammed VI Polytechnic /Morocco Vice-Chair, Working Group I, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Dr Fatima Driouech is an associate professor at the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic. She holds a PhD in sciences of the universe, environment, and land surfaces (Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse) and an Engineer degree from the National School of Meteorology (Toulouse, France). Before joining the University, she has been leading the National Meteorological Research Center at the Moroccan General Directorate of Meteorology then the National Climate Centre. Dr Fatima Driouech is Vice-Chair of Working Group I of the IPCC and a coordinator of MedECC network. She is also member of the management group of the WMO Commission for Services and Applications, and Co-chair of its Standing Committee on Climate Services. F. Driouech has led and contributed to several works and studies on climate and climate change.